Police arrested two of the kidnappers inside a restaurant, just as a relative was about to pay the money demanded in exchange for the tourist's release.

Detienen a dos personas que secuestraron en el aeropuerto de Málaga a un ciudadano durante 23 días00:27

Police arrested two of the kidnappers inside a restaurant, just as a relative was about to pay the money demanded in exchange for the tourist's release. SUR


Watch as police swoop after tourist endures 23-day kidnapping ordeal on the Costa del Sol, immediately after landing at Malaga Airport

Irene Quirante | Malaga

The captors demanded a payment of 500,000 euros in cryptocurrencies from the victim's family for his safe release

The Hundidero cave mouth from a nearby viewpoint (for scale note the roadway running just above it).
The Hundidero cave mouth from a nearby viewpoint (for scale note the roadway running just above it). SUR

Picture special

This is the spectacular cave near Ronda with an entrance standing over 50 metres high that will soon receive another boost from rural tourism

Javier Almellones | Montejaque

Located on the outskirts of Montejaque, this natural monument of Andalucía will form part of tourist attraction for people unafraid of heights, next to the famous failed Los Caballeros reservoir project, which has never held significant amounts of water



Education and Learning 2024

The director of Gibraltar National Museum, Clive Finlayson.
The director of Gibraltar National Museum, Clive Finlayson. GIB.GOV


Prehistoric Gibraltar to feature on Netflix

SUR in English | Gibraltar

A new documentary made by the BBC entitled Secrets of the Neanderthals features the work of Gibraltar National Museum scientists




A view of Triana from the Puente de Isabel II (Triana bridge).
A view of Triana from the Puente de Isabel II (Triana bridge). SUR


Triana: Beyond the three-branched river

Tony Bryant | Seville

Mythology claims the goddess Astarte founded Triana after settling on the western banks of the river after fleeing the persecution of Hercules


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